Orphaned Land - Nora El Nora (Entering The Ark)

Orphaned Land - Nora El Nora (Entering The Ark)

Albüm Adı : Mabool

Nora El Nora, ne'ezar begvura shuvi elay malki
Dodi refa, nafshi nichsefa, lebeitach malchi
Nora El Nora, ne'ezar begvura

Nora Ashira, Lach akabira, shir mahalali
Lecha etna menat chevly vegoraly

Bekol zman azor el nora, geza avraham, netzer tifa'ara,
Ata el hai noten torah

Nora El Nora, the lord of courage
Return me my lord, mend my wounds,
my soul is yearning, and in valor we wait.
Nora i sing thee, a hymn of praise,
to you I give my life and faith
Through all time, mighty Nora,
deliver us progeny of Abraham,
Offspring of greatness,
you are the living God,
giver of Torah

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